Here you will find a collection of repositories for the Nokia N810, N800 and 770 Internet Tablets running maemo IT OS 2008 / 2007 / 2006. Browse this site with your Internet Tablet and click on the repository icon for a simple install into Application Manager. 50 Repos for OS 2006:
http://marceloeduardo.com/apt |
Dls: 1217999 |
battlegweled, crazyparking, icebreaker, lxdoom, maemo-games-startup, maemodrac, maemosweeper, tuxpuck |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 04:44:23 (GMT +0100) |
http://upir.cz/maemo |
Dls: 26892 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 07:41:17 (GMT +0100) |
http://maemo-hackers.org/apt |
Dls: 15631 |
Packages for the maemo 2.0 / IT-2006 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 05:40:25 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.maemo.org/ |
Dls: 14728 |
X11-common für Minimo0.2 nötig |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 05:38:00 (GMT +0100) |
http://mg.pov.lt/770 |
Dls: 11020 |
FBreader, PasswdSafe etc. |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 07:14:31 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.maemo.org |
Dls: 10577 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 06:26:13 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ |
Dls: 10366 |
Maemo Mapper, etc. |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 09:14:49 (GMT +0100) |
Package: [free] maemo-mapper (v. 2.6.2-os2006-os2007) maemo-periodic (v. 1.0-1) maemo-wordpy (v. 0.6.1-1) mirage (v. 0.8.3-4) maemoscrobbler (v. 0.1.2a) libnspr4 (v. 1.0.3-13) libnss3 (v. 1.0.3-13) libnss3-certs (v. 1.0.3-13) microb-engine (v. 1.0.3-13) microb-refui (v. 1.0.3-13) microb-engine-dev (v. 1.0.3-13) libnspr4-dbg (v. 1.0.3-13) libnss3-dbg (v. 1.0.3-13) microb-engine-dbg (v. 1.0.3-13) microb-refui-dbg (v. 1.0.3-13) libnspr4-dev (v. 1.0.3-13) microb-spellcheck (v. 1.0.3-13) microb-spellcheck-dbg (v. 1.0.3-13) microb-eal-dev (v. 0.1.12-1) microb-eal-dbg (v. 0.1.12-1) microb-eal (v. 0.1.12-1) mplayer (v. 1.0rc1-maemo.27.n770) maemo-browser-controls (v. 0.4.35-1) maemo-browser-eal-dev (v. 1.5.0-1) maemo-browser-eal (v. 1.5.0-1) maemo-browser-eal-dbg (v. 1.5.0-1) osso-browser-ui (v. 2:1.0.49-2) mysql-client (v. 4.0.24-10sarge2) mdictionary (v. 1.0.1-1) mc (v. 1:4.6.2-pre1-1maemo3) libsqlite3-0 (v. 3.3.5-0.2osso1) sqlite3 (v. 3.3.5-0.2osso1) libsqlite3-dev (v. 3.3.5-0.2osso1) libsm6 (v. 1:6.0.4-3osso1) libsdl-gfx1.2-4 (v. 2.0.13-2) libsdl-gfx1.2-dev (v. 2.0.13-2) scummvm (v. 1.0.0) streamtuner (v. 0.99.99-8maemo2006) nicotine (v. 1.0.10-maemo-1) unzip (v. 5.52-11) unrar (v. 1:3.7.3-1indt1) zip (v. 2.31-4) lybniz (v. 1.3-3) leafpad (v. 0.8.10-1indt1) liblightmediascanner0 (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) lightmediascanner0-id3lib (v. 0.1.3-maemo1) lightmediascanner0-jpeg (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) lightmediascanner0-playlists (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) lightmediascanner0-video-dummy (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) lightmediascanner0-plugins (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) liblightmediascanner0-dev (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) lightmediascanner0-png (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) lightmediascanner0-audio-dummy (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) lightmediascanner0-asf (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) lightmediascanner0-rm (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) lightmediascanner0-id3 (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) lightmediascanner0-flac (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) lightmediascanner0-mp4 (v. 0.1.10-maemo2) proj (v. 4.4.9-3) python2.5-bluez (v. 0.9.1-1osso3) python2.5-pygame (v. 1.7.1-1osso2) python2.5-gobject (v. 2.12.2-1osso4) python2.5-gtk2 (v. 2.10.3-1osso8) python2.5-dbus (v. 0.71-1osso10) python2.5-dbus-ecore (v. 0.71-1osso10) python2.5-gstreamer (v. 0.10.5-0osso2) python2.5-hildon (v. 0.8.7-1osso5) python2.5-numeric (v. 24.2-1osso4) python2.5-runtime (v. 0.4-13) python2.5-xml (v. 0.8.4-1osso9) libpoppler1 (v. 0.5.9-0indt1) libpoppler-dev (v. 0.5.9-0indt1) libpoppler1-glib (v. 0.5.9-0indt1) libpoppler-glib-dev (v. 0.5.9-0indt1) poppler-utils (v. 0.5.9-0indt1) python2.5-id3lib (v. 0.5.1-1osso1) python2.5 (v. 2.5.1-1osso6) python2.5-dev (v. 2.5.1-1osso6) python2.5-testing (v. 2.5.1-1osso6) python2.5-imaging (v. 1.1.6-1osso2) python2.5-gnome (v. 2.18.0-1osso4) python2.5-osso (v. 0.2-1osso5) pidgin-extprefs (v. 0.7-0nix3) pidgin-otr (v. 3.1.0-1nix3) pidgin (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) pidgin-dev (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) pidgin-dbg (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) libpurple0 (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) libpurple-dev (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) libpurple0-dbg (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) purple-protocol-sametime (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) purple-protocol-sametime-dbg (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) python2.5-pyinotify (v. 0.7.1-1osso3) python2.5-pyinotify-dev (v. 0.7.1-1osso1) python2.5-lightmediascanner (v. 0.1.1-maemo9) python2.5-evas (v. 0.2.3-maemo1) python2.5-ecore (v. 0.3.0-maemo2) python2.5-edje (v. 0.2.1-maemo3) python2.5-edje-demo (v. 0.2.1-maemo3) python2.5-epsilon (v. 0.2.1-maemo3) python2.5-etk (v. 0.1.2-maemo1) python-flickrapi (v. 0.15-1) python-gdata (v. privoxy (v. 3.0.10-5) flite (v. 1.3) fceu (v. 0.98.12-8) flac (v. 1.2.1-1.1maemo1) libflac8 (v. 1.2.1-1.1maemo1) libflac-dev (v. 1.2.1-1.1maemo1) libflac++6 (v. 1.2.1-1.1maemo1) libflac++-dev (v. 1.2.1-1.1maemo1) libfaad2-0 (v. 2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp-0ubuntu6maemo1) libfaad2-dev (v. 2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp-0ubuntu6maemo1) libmp4v2-0 (v. 2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp-0ubuntu6maemo1) libmp4v2-dev (v. 2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp-0ubuntu6maemo1) faad (v. 2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp-0ubuntu6maemo1) file (v. 4.12-1osso) libmagic1 (v. 4.12-1osso) libmagic-dev (v. 4.12-1osso) xmaeme (v. 0.10-1) libxt6 (v. 1:0.1.5-2) idea (v. 1.0-770) libid3-3.8.3-dev (v. 3.8.3-5osso16) libid3-3.8.3 (v. 3.8.3-5osso16) libice6 (v. 6.3.4-2) libimlib2 (v. libimlib2-dev (v. libcairo2-dev (v. 1.4.8-1indt1) libcairo2 (v. 1.4.8-1indt1) libconic0-dev (v. 0.13) libconic0 (v. 0.13) libconic0-dbg (v. 0.13) gconf-editor (v. 2.16.0-0indt1) libgdbm3 (v. 1.8.3-2) graphicsmagick (v. 1.3.5-5) evince (v. 0.9.0-0indt1) libeet0-dev (v. libeet0 (v. libeet1-dev (v. 1.0.0-maemo1) libeet1 (v. 1.0.0-maemo1) eet1-bin (v. 1.0.0-maemo1) libevas0 (v. libevas0-dev (v. libevas0-engine-software-x11 (v. libevas0-engine-software-x11-16 (v. libevas0-engine-software-generic (v. libevas0-engine-buffer (v. libevas0-loader-eet (v. libevas0-loader-png (v. libevas0-loader-jpeg (v. libevas0-saver-eet (v. libevas0-saver-png (v. libevas0-saver-jpeg (v. libevas0-engines-all (v. libevas0-loaders-all (v. libevas0-savers-all (v. libevas0-all (v. libecore0 (v. libecore0-con (v. libecore0-desktop (v. libecore0-evas (v. libecore0-file (v. libecore0-ipc (v. libecore0-job (v. libecore0-txt (v. libecore0-x (v. libecore0-imf (v. libecore0-imf-evas (v. libecore0-all (v. libecore0-dev (v. embryo0-bin (v. libembryo0-dev (v. libembryo0 (v. edje0-bin (v. libedje0 (v. libedje0-dev (v. libepeg0-dev (v. libepeg0 (v. epeg0-bin (v. libepsilon0-dev (v. libepsilon0 (v. epsilon0-bin (v. libetk0 (v. libetk0-engine-evas (v. libetk0-engine-evas-x11 (v. libetk0-engine-evas-software-x11 (v. libetk0-engine-evas-software-x11-16 (v. libetk0-engine-all (v. libetk0-dev (v. libedbus0 (v. libedbus0-dev (v. easychem (v. 0.6-5maemo3) libffi4 (v. 4.1.0-1osso1) libffi4-dev (v. 4.1.0-1osso1) libgsf-gnome-1-dev (v. 1.14.4-1indt1) libgsf-gnome-1-114-dbg (v. 1.14.4-1indt1) libgsf-gnome-1-114 (v. 1.14.4-1indt1) libgsf-1-114-dbg (v. 1.14.4-1indt1) libgsf-1-dev (v. 1.14.4-1indt1) libgsf-1-114 (v. 1.14.4-1indt1) libgsf-bin (v. 1.14.4-1indt1) libgtkmozembed-dev (v. 0.9.7-3) libgtkmozembed (v. 0.9.7-3) libgtkmozembed-dbg (v. 0.9.7-3) libgpsbt-dbg (v. 0.1-18) libgpsbt-dev (v. 0.1-18) libgpsbt (v. 0.1-18) libgpsmgr-dev (v. 0.1-10) libgpsmgr (v. 0.1-10) libgpsmgr-dbg (v. 0.1-10) curl (v. 7.15.5-1osso1) libcurl3 (v. 7.15.5-1osso1) libcurl3-openssl-dev (v. 7.15.5-1osso1) libcurl3-dbg (v. 7.15.5-1osso1) canola2-cleanup (v. 0.1.6-maemo1) libidl0 (v. 0.8.7-1) libidl-dev (v. 0.8.7-1) osso-browser-opera-eal (v. 2:1.6.8-1) osso-gpsd (v. 0.8) osso-gpsd-dev (v. 0.8) osso-gpsd-dbg (v. 0.8) openssh-common (v. 1:4.7p1-12.maemo2) openssh-client (v. 1:4.7p1-12.maemo2) openssh-server (v. 1:4.7p1-12.maemo2) omweather (v. 0.21.12) libhid-dev (v. 0.2.12-1) libhid0 (v. 0.2.12-1) python-hid (v. 0.2.12-1) libhttpfetcher-dev (v. 1.0.1-3) libhttpfetcher1 (v. 1.0.1-3) libsdl-sge (v. 030809dfsg-1) libsdl-sge-dev (v. 030809dfsg-1) vpnc-gui (v. 0.4.1) vpnc (v. 0.3.3-maemo-4) vagalume (v. 0.7.1-1gregale1) quiver (v. 0.1.21-1) libotr-dev (v. 3.1.0-0nix4) libotr2 (v. 3.1.0-0nix4) libotr2-dbg (v. 3.1.0-0nix4) libogg0 (v. 1.1.3-2) libogg-dev (v. 1.1.3-2) hildon-imf-ecore (v. 0.1.1-maemo1) hex-a-hop (v. 0.0.20070315-6maemo1) libbz2-1.0 (v. 1.0.3-1) libbz2-dev (v. 1.0.3-1) bzip2 (v. 1.0.3-1) becomeroot (v. 0.1-3) libtheora0 (v. 0.0.0.alpha7.dfsg-1.1) libtheora-dev (v. 0.0.0.alpha7.dfsg-1.1) libmad0 (v. 0.15.1b-2.1) libmad0-dev (v. 0.15.1b-2.1) tabletbridge (v. 0.2.4-1) libnss3-dev (v. 1.0.3-13) microb-l10n (v. 0.0.4-1) microb-browser (v. 0.0.8-4) mysql-common (v. 4.0.24-10sarge2) maemo-release (v. 1.0.0) sqlite3-doc (v. 3.3.5-0.2osso1) python2.5-bluez-dev (v. 0.9.1-1osso3) python2.5-pygame-dev (v. 1.7.1-1osso2) python2.5-gobject-dev (v. 2.12.2-1osso4) python2.5-gtk2-dev (v. 2.10.3-1osso8) python2.5-dbus-dev (v. 0.71-1osso10) python2.5-gstreamer-dev (v. 0.10.5-0osso2) python2.5-hildon-dev (v. 0.8.7-1osso5) python2.5-numeric-dev (v. 24.2-1osso4) python2.5-xml-dev (v. 0.8.4-1osso9) python2.5-pyrex (v. python2.5-gnome-dev (v. 2.18.0-1osso4) python2.5-osso-dev (v. 0.2-1osso5) pidgin-sounds (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) pidgin-sounds-old (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) pidgin-buddy-icons-qq (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) pidgin-l10n (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) pidgin-emotes-default (v. 2.4.3-0nix0) python2.5-feedparser (v. 4.1-1osso2) python2.5-feedparser-dev (v. 4.1-1osso2) python2.5-dispatcher (v. 0.1.1-maemo1) python2.5-efl-utils (v. 0.1.3-maemo3) python2.5-efl-core (v. python2.5-downloadmanager (v. 0.2.5-maemo1) python2.5-terra (v. 0.1.7-maemo1) libflac-doc (v. 1.2.1-1.1maemo1) xword (v. 1.0.9-2) ipython (v. 0.8.1-1.maemo1) efl-core (v. efl-core-dev (v. libgsf-1-common (v. 1.14.4-1indt1) libcurl3-dev (v. 7.15.5-1osso1) python2.5-cython (v. python2.5-cython-dev (v. canolad (v. 0.1.3-maemo3) canola2 (v. 2.0.0~beta9-maemo1) canola-tuning (v. 0.3.0-maemo2) canola2-theme-deepblue (v. 1.0.0-maemo4) canola2-theme-flatblack (v. 1.0.0-maemo4) canola2-theme-flatred (v. 1.0.0-maemo4) canola2-youtube-plugin (v. 0.1.3-maemo1) canola2-lastfm-plugin (v. 0.1.1-maemo1) canola2-tuning-plugin (v. 0.1.0-maemo1) kagu (v. 1.0.10-3) openssh (v. 1:4.7p1-12.maemo2) omweather-icons-contour (v. 0.2) omweather-weather-com-stations-db (v. 0.1) atabake (v. 0.1.5-maemo1) atabake-gstmp3-plugin (v. 0.1.1-maemo1) terminfo-base (v. 0.1-2) terminfo-ext (v. 0.1-2) |
http://mg.pov.lt/770 |
Dls: 9003 |
screen, mc, dict; becomeroot, vim, some others |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 11:21:47 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.maemo.org/contrib |
Dls: 8371 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 06:46:07 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.maemo.org/extras |
Dls: 7988 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 08:14:37 (GMT +0100) |
http://www.mulliner.org/nokia770/repository/ |
Dls: 7119 |
sobexsrv xtris btaudit iphome xkbdbthid nmap wirelesstools dsniff socat aircrack-ng olsrd |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 10:58:34 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.maemo.org/extras/ |
Dls: 6359 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 06:26:13 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.maemo.org/ |
Dls: 6339 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 10:36:13 (GMT +0100) |
http://www.abisource.com/downloads/apt |
Dls: 6110 |
Textwriter, Textcomposer |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 03:26:38 (GMT +0100) |
http://marceloeduardo.com/apt |
Dls: 5653 |
battlegweled crazyparking doom icebreaker maemodrac maemosweeper tuxpuck |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 11:22:14 (GMT +0100) |
http://catalogue.tableteer.nokia.com/certified/ |
Dls: 5651 |
Maemo-blocks, themes |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 06:56:30 (GMT +0100) |
http://maemo.o-hand.com/packages |
Dls: 5375 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 05:49:51 (GMT +0100) |
http://openbossa.indt.org.br/games/ |
Dls: 5271 |
Battlegweled, Crazyparking, Icebreaker, Lxdoom, Maemodrac, Maemosweeper, Tuxpuck |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 04:46:54 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.maemo.org/ |
Dls: 4976 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 11:07:39 (GMT +0100) |
http://www.fbreader.org/maemo/ |
Dls: 4884 |
FBReader |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 06:16:54 (GMT +0100) |
http://www.claws-mail.org/maemo |
Dls: 4748 |
Claws Mail |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 05:43:01 (GMT +0100) |
http://usuarios.lycos.es/lokalizo/maemo |
Dls: 4634 |
dummy IAP,iproute,streamripper,obexftp,bluezspammer |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 07:41:17 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.maemo.org/ |
Dls: 4462 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 04:59:40 (GMT +0100) |
www.math.ucla.edu/~jimc/nokia770/ |
Dls: 4258 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 06:34:32 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.maemo.org/contrib/ |
Dls: 4129 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 04:10:26 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.innologies.com/ |
Dls: 3977 |
Mauku - brings Jaiku micro-blogging into Maemo environment. Repository for 770 with IT OS 2006. |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 08:14:37 (GMT +0100) |
http://p.quinput.eu/debfarm |
Dls: 3859 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 08:09:46 (GMT +0100) |
http://erinye.com/maemo/ |
Dls: 3694 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 12:32:24 (GMT +0100) |
http://aeracode.org/maemo/ |
Status: Repository is online, but empty! |
last update: 10/05/2008 11:22:35 (GMT +0200) |
http://www.math.ucla.edu/~jimc/nokia770/ |
Dls: 3655 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 04:10:26 (GMT +0100) |
http://antoineschweitzer.free.fr/ |
Dls: 3632 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 06:34:18 (GMT +0100) |
http://www.armin-warda.de/arno/ |
Dls: 3614 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 08:13:55 (GMT +0100) |
http://repository.maemo.org/extras-devel/ |
Dls: 3573 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 07:07:03 (GMT +0100) |
http://armin-warda.de/maemo/ |
Dls: 3493 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 06:34:18 (GMT +0100) |
http://only.mawhrin.net/fbreader/maemo |
Dls: 3464 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 07:27:01 (GMT +0100) |
upir.cz/maemo |
Dls: 3379 |
Status: Repository is online |
last update: 12/04/2009 08:09:46 (GMT +0100) |
http://www.estamos.de/download/apt/ |
stable | main
Status: Repository is online, but empty! |
last update: 10/13/2009 19:59:10 (GMT +0200) |
http://aeracode.org/maemo/ |
Status: Repository is online, but empty! |
last update: 10/05/2008 11:20:59 (GMT +0200) |
http://aeracode.org/maemo/ |
Status: Repository is online, but empty! |
last update: 10/05/2008 11:35:44 (GMT +0200) |
Minimo |
http://www.maemo.org.br/minimo/ |
bora | user
Dls: 4220 |
Minimo 0.2,
X11-Lib notwendig! |
Status: Repository is offline! |
last online on: 10/06/2008 06:59:40 (GMT +0200) |
last update: 10/05/2008 07:09:27 (GMT +0200) |
Pidgin On Maemo |
http://idefix.go-nix.ca/nix |
bora | pidgin
Dls: 1801 |
Status: Repository is offline! |
last online on: 10/06/2008 07:02:35 (GMT +0200) |
last update: 10/05/2008 15:18:28 (GMT +0200) |
Maemo.Org.BR |
http://www.maemo.org.br/platform/apt/ |
mistral | user games python
Dls: 1746 |
Status: Repository is offline! |
last online on: 10/06/2008 07:01:56 (GMT +0200) |
last update: 10/06/2008 07:01:56 (GMT +0200) |
Anderenen |
http://www.anderenen.de/repository |
gregale | free
Dls: 1587 |
Status: Repository is offline! |
last online on: 10/06/2008 06:51:23 (GMT +0200) |
last update: 10/06/2008 04:34:35 (GMT +0200) |
Anderenen - bora |
http://www.anderenen.de/repository |
bora | free
Dls: 1339 |
Status: Repository is offline! |
last online on: 10/06/2008 06:56:49 (GMT +0200) |
last update: 10/06/2008 05:37:25 (GMT +0200) |
ScriptKiller |
http://scriptkiller.de/apt |
mistral | main
Dls: 1119 |
Status: Repository is offline! |
last online on: 10/06/2008 07:01:56 (GMT +0200) |
last update: 10/06/2008 05:12:09 (GMT +0200) |
SkaBoy |
http://people.freedesktop.org/~skaboy/maemo/fuse/ |
scirocco | user
Dls: 1060 |
Status: Repository is offline! |
last online on: 09/29/2009 23:19:20 (GMT +0200) |
last update: 09/29/2009 16:36:08 (GMT +0200) |
Tajuma |
http://repository.tajuma.com |
maemo | free
Dls: 1041 |
Status: Repository is offline! |
last online on: 11/15/2009 13:28:30 (GMT +0100) |
last update: 11/15/2009 01:53:52 (GMT +0100) |
nOObcode |
http://deb.nopcode.org/ |
mistral | user world
Dls: 943 |
The mistral/world repository contains lot of non-nopcode packages fetched and maintained automatically by a bunch of shellscripts |
Status: Repository is offline! |
last online on: 07/28/2008 17:12:09 (GMT +0200) |
last update: 07/28/2008 16:31:06 (GMT +0200) |
Paul Totterman |
http://paul.totterman.name/maemo |
mistral | user
Dls: 700 |
Status: Repository is offline! |
last online on: 09/25/2008 09:49:10 (GMT +0200) |
last update: 09/25/2008 06:34:58 (GMT +0200) |
Paul Totterman |
paul.totterman.name/maemo |
mistral | user
Dls: 627 |
Status: Repository is offline! |
last online on: 09/25/2008 09:50:59 (GMT +0200) |
last update: 09/25/2008 05:56:42 (GMT +0200) |
Availability will be verified every hour - Package lists will be reloaded every 24 hours. |
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